Posts tagged artists

As much as possible we aim to be collaborative in our work. This means working closely with local authority leaving care teams, arts organisations, and other organisations that work with care leavers. We feel that the potential for multi-agency working is huge, and when it’s done right it maximizes opportunities for care leavers as well as making staff’s lives easier.

First and foremost, we collaborate closely with leaving care teams. Each Storeys project partners up with one local authority, and we work with their social workers and personal advisors to gather referrals. This ensures that we can spend time with staff, conveying a clear idea of what the project entails and what the benefits are to young people. We know that often staff will know the best way to introduce our projects to a particular young person, and what might pique their interest. This also allows us to tailor our sessions in order to provide the best possible emotional health support for young people leaving care.

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We believe that everyone is an artist, and that unlocking creativity not only increases self-confidence, but can also help to fine-tune an individual’s purpose and passion.

In every project participants are challenged to try a wide range of artistic approaches. These have included photography, acrylics on canvas, spoken word poetry, acting and directing, sculpture, and mixed media. Using these, participants create a new piece of art in each session, ending the project with a diverse portfolio. You don’t have to be an expert in any of these disciplines to create engaging and exciting work.

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